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Poem of the Year Michigama Prayer

Poem of the Year Belief


Poem of the Year Life & Dreams

Poems of the Month July / August '05

Seasons of True Love

The Winter air turns cold.
Just like your touch towards me.
I thought you cared for me.
For true love is what we found.

The first Spring dew lands softly.
Reminding me of that first kiss.
Why isn't it as warm as the breeze.
For wasn't it true love we found?

The Summer sun brings a sweat.
Just like you used to do to me.
Why has our love burned out?
For our true love is no longer found.

As the Autumn rain hits the ground.
I see you walk outside my door.
Drenched not in love but pain.
Was it a new love you have found?

Wasn't it promises and future dreams?
We thought we shared with each other.
Could it be next season we'd know?
What true love really means.

by Julie Le © 2005

Runners Up:

Summer's entrance

Kisses from the sun

Barefoot, carefree, Summer's here

Lengthy, sticky days

by Linda Klagenberg © 2005

I Awake

I awake as for the first time memories only the faintest of echoes
My soul aches to know who I am

My world consists of the present the cool air a welcome guest to my face supplies a brief distraction

My senses reach out to grasp the world finding a wondrous place with people all around.   I breathe their sighs try to wake them as they sleep walk.  Unable to make them see the life around them I go back to my slumber and walk on.

by Jeff Klagenberg © 2005

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