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Poem of the Year Michigama Prayer

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Poems of the Month May '05

Michigama Prayer

I had a stone.
It was a part of me.
I held my stone.
I thought of what was.
I thought of what might have been.
Then I skipped my stone away.

“Let it go,”
I hear the lake say.
“Live for today.”
I hear her calling me. 
“Throw the stone away.”

 I had a problem.
My problem laughed at me.
I hoped that I - could make it go away,
But I'm the one - who let it come and stay.  

We make our choices. The lake rejoices.

 “Let it go,”
I hear the lake say.
“Live for today.”
I hear her calling me. 
“Throw the stone away.” 

But the pain, it also comes with fire.
What would I feel to lose my heart's desire?

My friend was there for me.
I thought of what could be.
I loved him. I wanted him.
But the love had nowhere to go.   

We make our choices. The lake rejoices.

“Let it go,”
I hear the lake say.
“Live for today.”
I hear her calling me. 
“Throw the stone away.”

I held my stone tight.
I thought of what was.
I thought of what might have been.
Then I skipped my stone away.

Hear my prayer.
…the stone,
It was a part of me.
Treat it kind.
Let it fall away.
Free my heart.
Help me see the day.
Let it go. 
Let it fall away

by Resie Warmke © 2005

Runners Up:


darkness embraces

            imagination stroking my skin

                       dreams dance with memories

                                music tingles with your presence

                                            lungs fill with air wishing it was shared breath

by Jeff Klagenberg © 2005

Old Soldiers

Old Soldiers never die they just fade away…

To be brought back another day…

Waved in front of people further a cause…

Using their sacrifices using words like glory to cover the gory realities…

Be careful the cause that brings the banner of soldiers gone…

Be sure to fight for the memories of those that have given service for freedom…

And follow not a cause ‘cause of the banners flown…

but only to create justice and to work toward the day when all old soldiers no longer fade…

but truly rest in peace.

by Jeff Klagenberg © 2005

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